Sunday, January 4, 2009

TADA!!!! I did IT!!!

OK so remember yesterday I showed you pictures of the great chair I bought...let me refresh your
So today I sanded it......
Then primed....Then Painted

Lookin good so far isn't it...nope not going to give you a complete close up because there may be 1 or 2 drip

While I was waiting for the paint to dry, I went inside and recovered the cushion (Bryan helped me with this, trying to get ALL those staples out of the cushion almost killed me! LOL It had been recovered 2 times), for my first time at recovering something I'm pretty proud of myself. Right before I started, Nicole called, THANK GOODNESS she did, she gave me a very helpful hint, when it came it to the corners, wrap it like you're wrapping a gift. I tried my best Nicole! LOL

The left side could use a little, but for my first time, OMG I was so happy with myself!!!

Then came the complete package....are you ready????? Drumroll please......

OMG do you just love it??? I do! I am so excited about it! But not only that, I was just crafty Kim have been seeing on blogs about taking old frames and turning them into chalk boards. So I decided I'm on such a roll let me try Here is the before...
I don't have the completed project on this one yet. I need to go tomorrow and get some wood, and hopefully tomorrow night after I come home from work I will be able to finish it! But wait, that's not made this cute family picture frame...
I was unstoppable so I paint another frame
Phew I'm that in one day! But I am LOVING what I have done so far!!!!! I have been working on redo my dinning area, our computer hutch is in there so today while I was out and about, I bought this GREAT hat box....(Courtesy of my brother and his family, they gave me a gift card to Joann's for Christmas...THANKS GUYS!!!

It needs some flowers to go into the pot, and maybe a little something else, but it's getting there.

For Christmas Bryan's mom bought me this cute fruit bowl...thanks O!!

This is the way it looks on our dinning room table.....

Well that's about it for I know that was a VERY long post!!! I was just so excited about all that I had done I just had to show you everything! LOL Thanks for looking! :)


Anonymous said...

omgosh...LOVIN it! what a HUGE difference on the chair! you did a GREAT JOB!!!! so proud of you! Love the white frame too! the picture stands out so much better in it now!!!!! You rock! You are making me want to do things around here now! I want to take and old frame and do like you did with "family" in it..but word for the year "happiness"!

Anonymous said...

Great Job!

I see that you live in Yorba Linda. I am always looking for writers for

Drop by and say hi


Lil said...

Go Kimmie! Martha Stewart better watch out 'cause Kimmie's gettin' crafty. :-)

Happy New Year!!!