Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Fah La La La La

Well today was a day of singing. Cody started the day with his adorable singing program. They were so cute! Sorry for the blurry pictures I don't know what is wrong with my camera, but I couldn't get any clear pictures today! I know it wasn't just the operator of the camera...lol...Bryan tried to take pictures for me at Amanda's singing program and as you will see they are still blurry! UH I need a new camera, but I guess we'll start first with a new battery. Anyways, here's a picture of my handsome little guy singing his lungs out! LOL
Then tonight we had Amanda's singing program. I know I have told you before but I am SO amazed at how good they are! Amanda is in the advance choir! They sound so beautiful. I love listening to them sing, even Bryan was surprised at how good they were! LOL

Well I wish I had better pictures for you, I'm going tomorrow to get a new battery. In time I want to get a nice camera, not just a point and shoot one, then maybe I can get some really good pictures!! All in time! :)


Anonymous said...

Canon 40d girlfriend! LOL well...the Canon Rebel might be a better starter for you! And you can get the older models pretty cheap now! wish I lived closer...I would have come and took pics for you!

Lil said...

You mean you can take pictures with something other than a cell phone? ;-)