Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas take 2

We had our Christmas with my brother and sister in law and nephew yesterday. We had such a nice time, my parents came over and we did our traditional Subway sandwich and my moms homemade macaroni salad (YUMMY!!!). We had a great time, and now I can official say CHRISTMAS IS OVER! Phew, I'm pooped and ready for all the Christmas stuff to come down, I'll be doing that tomorrow after I get home from work.

Auntie and Uncle got the boys some awesome clothes

They got Amanda some great painting supplies, I don't have a picture of Amanda with her painting supplies because she was always holding her baby cousin Jimmy!

Kelly and Bryan were

While Amanda, Cody and I were

Christmas Day was my mom's 70Th birthday, so we celebrated it last night...Happy Birthday Nana! We love you!!!!

And if after everything my brother and sister in law bought the kids wasn't enough, my brother just had to go out and buy the kids Nerf helicopters...he's trying to show Amanda how to control them...he is still such a kid! Nothing wrong with that!

Then he was trying to teach my kids some wrestling tips...LOL When we were growing up we used to LOVE to watch wrestling!

We had such a great day with them, but to be honest, I'm glad that the holidays are over so things can start to get back to normal! I LOVE Christmas, it's my favorite holiday, but when it's all said and done, I'm glad it's over! We had a WONDERFUL holiday with all our family and friends. For those of you that we weren't able to be with, we missed you and hope that next year we can be together! Here is to a great 2008 and an even better 2009!

1 comment:

Lil said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours, Kimmie! :-)