Friday, December 12, 2008


Finally Back....

OK... OK.... Nicole, just for you I am FINALLY going to write something! yikes I didn't know the pressure that I was going to be under when it came to this blog and keeping it up! LOL just kidding. I feel like I haven't even had time to breath this week, it's been a very busy week. On Tuesday December 9, I went with Amanda and her schools choir to Knotts Berry Farm for a singing program. They did such an amazing job, I was so proud! We had a great time.

Aren't there costume/uniforms really nice looking! They are so sparkly, although when the sun was shinning on them it was blinding the poor girls! LOL
Amanda made me go on one of the roller coasters.....

Look really hard at the picture below, you can see Amanda SCREAMING!!! LOL

OOOOH NO she did NOT get me on Boomarang!! Did that once and I will NEVER do it again! LOL I don't know about you, but it seems the older I get the less and less I enjoy roller coasters. Well she finally got me to go on one, and I didn't take a picture of the ride, I just took this one of Amanda and I before I thought I was going to DIE and the ride took off!!!

I was screaming so loud, and I thought for sure that I was going to fall out, even with all the belts they have around you I still felt like I was going to fall out! When we got off the ride one of Amanda's friends said wow I could hear you all the way over here! LOL All in all we had a AWESOME day, and it was so nice to see Amanda hanging out with her friends, and spending some time with all of them! It's a day I will remember forever, and I hope Amanda will do the same!


Anonymous said...'s about time! Just kidding! Cute pics! I too used to love roller coasters...but the last time I went on the ones at Knotts....I thought I was gonna be puking the whole way home. turns out that there water ride had an oil leak...and it turns out that the smell of the oil in my HAIR was what was making me sick to my stomach! LOL btw Amanda looks JUST LIKE YOU! too cute! love their choir uniforms!!!! so sparkly!! I love sparkles! Thats my middle name! well actually my pretend name from my birthday!

cowgirllorna said...

WOW, can't believe you even got on a roller coaster! I stay FAR FAR away from those things!

Lil said...

I am so with you. I went to Knott's with Shannon & Jared and can you believe they got me to go on the Silver Bullet?!?! I was terrified. Plus I went on Montezuma's Revenge (which wasn't so bad - mainly 'cause it's short) and I went on Supreme Scream (which I actually enjoyed). That Silver Bullet, though. Eeeek! Also, Knott's has THE most awesome boysenberry icees. Those were SO good!!! :-)