Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ho Ho Ho

We have 3 of the most adorable Santa's helpers that live with

Amanda told me to tell everyone....milk.... it does a body Isn't she adorable with her milk mustache!! LOL

Jacob looking adorable like always

Then Cody, how can you not smile when you look at him, he's always smiling and making everyone laugh!!!

These were the hats that Nana bought them so they could wear them to school before Winter Break. They all had party's in their class, so they were excited to wear them! Well Amanda didn't have a party, her and the choir were singing for the teachers breakfast.

While our helpers were at their dads this weekend Bryan and I decided to START the wrapping of ALL the gifts from Santa!!! YES I know....I know..... I over did it..... AGAIN!!! But you have to remember I have 3 kids, so YES it looks like a lot and it is, but still it's for 3 kids (did you believe me on that one???!!! LOL )!!! Growing up my family ALWAYS over did it at Christmas, I'm just keeping with the tradition! LOL Just wait until you see the pictures that I will take before the kids open all their gifts!! LOL

Well here is what the living room STILL looks like since we still have a TON of wrapping to do tomorrow!!! LOL LOVE YOU BRYAN!!!!!

Well I'm off to get some sleep so I have some energy to wrap and wrap some more! LOL

Sweet dreams

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