Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!!!

I hope you had as good of a Christmas as we did! I warn you now, there is going to be A LOT of pictures, if you're we go!!! LOL

Here is what our house looked like BEFORE the kids got home and they started opening gifts ...
This was Jacob's nice neat pile of gifts from Santa

This was Amanda's (now I know what you are thinking OMG it looks like Amanda has WAY more than Jacob, but behind her presents is a HUGE gift basket that one of my agents gave us! So it's making it look like she got a lot more, but I PROMISE you they ALL got equal amounts!!!

Then we have Cody's presents from Santa...

Then Bryan's main gift...It was driving him CRAZY not knowing what it was. We picked up his gift last night at my parents house and he couldn't even begin to imagine what it

Then the fun began with them opening all their presents...

Amanda got a lot of makeup, a ton of clothes and a lot of art supplies

Jacob and Cody got a skateboard ramp, tech decks, and a ton of other toys

My Parents were so great to us (like always) and bought each of us an annual pass to Knotts Berry Farm! We can't wait to go!

I think/hope Bryan was excited about his Telescope that we got him!

And then my sweetheart completely spoiled me, he bought me this beautiful diamond necklace and a beautiful diamond bracelet this picture doesn't do the necklace justice!

There was a lot of kissing and smiling going on throughout the day in this house!

Seriously how much cuter can Cody get, his spider man costume and cowboy boots on, oh plus his skateboard gloves my parents gave him! LOL

I just went to check and see what everyone was up to....

Amanda was painting in her bedroom

Cody and Jacob were already in there new jammies, Cody said he was being a soldier in this

And then I found my loving man....looking and trying to figure out Star Wars Legos he had started with Jacob....

LMAO he's still out there trying to figure it all out!

Well I sure hope you and your family had as nice of a Christmas as we did here! Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Mom! We love you all!

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